Thursday, September 16, 2010



                        When i was a kid I use to have this friday sickness  thingy ,,,i dont know why I get sick every Friday morning ~  I am never sick now . Fortunately  I have outgrown this madness .I dont know why , but I did and I developed another illness hehehe...the lazy sunday morning sickness !

                         After a while i began to develop monday  blues , I get depresssed every Monday morning .

Kidding aside , people  always experience some kind of avoidance for something they dont really find pleasurable and comfortable with . When the mind is confronted with things that is unfavorable it shuts down and create panic to the physical body . Take the case of hyperventilation and panic attacks ; on normal days when the person is on his or her best element , there are no symptoms manifested. On days when the person is nervous or is expecting something unfavorable the persons body begins to show red flag signals such as hyperventilating , numbness of hands and difficulty in breathing ...this is because they cannot handle fear , pain , or hatred very well so the body is manifesting these symptoms . The mind is avoiding a certain situation , slowly it escalates and show through the physical body that it cannot handle that particular situation  or things that we call TRIGGERS .

              I'm just glad the week is finally over .  Time to clean and arrange my disheveled closet, and the bathroom walls need some scrubbing. In between breaks I'll have a cup of coffe and read the GITA , write a few lines and after that maybe send my son biking in the hallway. Whatever ! Let see what i can do on this FAVORABLE FRIDAY !

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